8:00-9:00 Handover of documentation
ROOM A1 OPENING (simultaneous translation)
  SEPYPNA’s President
  AEPEA’s President
ROOM A3 Closed circuit TV
ROOM A1 PLENARY SESSION 1: Epigenesis (simultaneous translation)
  Chair. Grazia Maria Fava-Vizziello, Italy.
  An epigenetic approach to development. François Jouen, France.
  Determined not to be. François Ansermet, Switzerland.
ROOM A3 Closed circuit TV
HALL Coffee Break
ROOM A1 SYMPOSIUM 01: Diagnosis psychopathology and classifications (simultaneous translation)
  Chair. Claude Bursztejn, France.
  DSM: the consequences of using an ideological tool. Lionel Bailly, Great Britain.
  Making diagnosis meaningful: The Psicodynamic Diagnostic Manual. Vittorio Lingiardi, Italy.
  Subjective Experience and Diagnostic Approach in Adolescent Psychiatry. Mario Speranza, France.
ROOM A3 SYMPOSIUM 02: Prevention in early childhood (French)
  Chair. Bernard Golse, France.
  The Brazelton (NBAS) assessment, detecting early signs of suffering in babies and opening up a therapeutic window. Marie Paule Durieux, Belgium.
  Between fatalism and rebellion: forgetting fathers in perinatality. Sylvain Missonier, France.
TERRAZA WORKSHOP 01: Discussion and contextualisation of clinical intervention with adolescents: from acute pathology to social and school issues (AEN) (Spanish)
  Chair. Roque Prego, Spain.
  Ethical and legal aspects of therapeutic interventions with minors in mental health. Cristina Perez, Pilar Álvarez, Pilar López Bueno. Spain.
  Application of contextual models with TMG in adolescents. Diego Padilla, Spain.
  Continuity of care in adolescence. About bullying. Montserrat Vicente, Spain.
ROOM B1 WORKSHOP 02: Sick bodies in healthy minds, sick minds in healthy bodies among children in Israel (English)
  Chair. Miri Keren, Israel.
  The inner reality of children struggling with life threatening illness – a Jungian perspective. Esti Galili-Weisstub, Israel.
  The metapsychology of suicide. Sam Tyano, Israel.
  The somatic and psychic aspects of eating disorders in infancy. Miri Keren, Israel.
ROOM B3 WORKSHOP 03: Day hospitals and centres. Incidence of socio-family factors in psychopathology (Spanish)
  Chair. Daniel Cruz, Spain.
  On physiological paranoia and the psycho-social edge in acute identity crises in adolescents. Jaume Claret, Spain.
  Treating behaviour disorders in adolescent out-patients: a relational-therapeutic experience. Gloria Trafach, Spain.
HALL Lunch Break
ROOM A3 WORKSHOP 04: Multifamily groups: a new therapeutic approach for teenagers
  Chair. Norberto Mascaró, Spain.
  Clinical experience with a group of adolescents. Nicolás Rabain, France.
  Theoretical approaches: the framework of the multi-family mechanism in Argentina and in France. Liza Benaym, France.
  Historical perspectives on the multi-family model. Sebastian D´Agostino, Argentine.
TERRAZA COURSE 1 - SESSION 1: T he first interview with the baby and the child (French-Spanish -consecutive translation)
  Isabel Lambotte, France.
  Pascual Palau, Spain.
ROOM B1 WORKSHOP 05: From education to treatment in childhood
  Chair. Grazia Maria Fava-Vizziello, Italy.
  The child and the others: innovative practices in response of new needs. Giuliana Veronese, Italy.
  Outdoor education and child wellbeing in preschool age. Francesca Agostini, Italy.
  Indirect intervention in handling traumatic conditions: an experience of interdisciplinary training. Francesco Villa, Italy.
ROOM B3 COURSE 2-SESSION 1: “The first interview with the baby and the child” (French)
  Christine Frisch-Desmarez, Luxembourg.
  Sylvain Missonier, France.
ROOM A1 PLENARY SESSION 2: Autism and ASDs (simultaneous translation)
  Chair. Juan Manzano, Switzerland.
  New perspectives on autism: critical issues in autisme models. Nicolas Georgieff, France.
  Psychotic functioning. Autism spectrum disorders. Therapeutic support. Contemporary care options and debates. Alberto Lasa, Spain.
ROOM A3 Closed circuit TV
ROOM A1 SYMPOSIUM 03: The perinatal period as a place of prevention, detection and intervention (simultaneous translation)
  Chair. Marta Báez, Spain.
  Prevention of emotional and behavioural difficulties during the perinatal period. Martin Maldonado-Durán, USA.
  Praise of the prevention of relational disharmony in prenatal. Examples of prenatal early maintenance and ultrasound.Sylvain Missonier, France.
  Self-regulating mechanisms in babies and their early interactions. Mercedes Becerra, Spain.
ROOM A3 SYMPOSIUM 04: Literature and psychoanalysis: Babel Europa (French)
  Chair. Maurice Corcos, France.
  From conquest to exile: or the discovery of the other. Amine Benjelloun, Morocco.
  Kafka or permanent exile. Ariel Liberman, Spain.
  Freud’s nanny and exile. Maurice Corcos, France.
  Julio Cortázar and the adolescent. Exile, commitment and conquest. Alejandro Rojas-Urrego, Switzerland.
  Jorge Oteiza and the “Experimental Purpose”. From the edge of the void to the void as edge. Jaume Claret, Spain.
TERRAZA WORKSHOP 06: Children in challenging social conditions (English and Frech)
  Chair. Hélène Lazaratou, Greece.
  Meeting the mental health needs of children and adolescents in the outlining Aegean islands in Greece. Lucia Legaki, Greece.
  Mental health aspects of immigrant children and their families: The experience of an outpatient child and adolescent psychiatric service in Athens. Konstantina Maglara, Greece.
  Mental Health Issues of refugee Children and Adolescents. Efterpi Marini, Greece.
ROOM B1 WORKSHOP 07: Work with teenagers and teams in residential institutions.
  Clinical and ethical aspects (Italian)
  Chair. Lenio Rizzo, Italy.
  Clinical meetings with adolescents in the community: technical aspects and care channels. Ludovico Perulli, Italy.
  Working with adolescents and teams in residential institutions: clinical aspects and ethical play. Lenio Rizzo, Italy.
  Complexity in clinical assessment and scientific research in therapeutic communities for adolescents. Tomasso Scandale, Alessandro Uselli. Italy.
ROOM B3 WORKSHOP 08: Acute disorders, intensive treatments (Spanish)
  Chair. Consuelo Panera, Spain.
  Continuity in therapeutic attention to adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Ana Jiménez, Spain.
  Observations based on work with parenting conflicts with parents of under-twos with suspected Autism Spectrum Disorders. Encarnación Garrán, Spain.
  Evolution, over 5 years, of a group of children with Diagnosis of Generalized
  Development Disorder. Ana Berta Jara, España.
ROOM A1 Free papers (French)
ROOM A3 SEPYPNA General and Extraordinary Meeting
TERRAZA Free papers (French)
ROOM B1 Free papers (Spanish)
ROOM B3 Free papers (French)

ROOM A1 Free papers (Spanish)
ROOM A3 Free papers (French)
TERRAZA COURSE 1 - SESSION 2: The first interview with the baby and the child (French-Spanish -consecutive translation)
  Isabel Lambotte, France.
  Pascual Palau, Spain.
ROOM B1 Free papers (Spanish)
ROOM B3 COURSE 2-SESSION 1: The first interview with the baby and the child (French)
  Christine Frisch-Desmarez , Luxembourg.
  Sylvain Missonier, France.
ROOM A1 PLENARY SESSION 3: From baby to adolescent: between body and culture (simultaneous translation)
  Chair. Alain Braconnier, France.
  The internalization of the enigma.. Bernard Golse, France.
  Intimacy and tolerance of loneliness in adolescence. Fernando González-Serrano, Spain.
ROOM A3 Closed circuit TV
HALL Coffee Break
ROOM A1 SYMPOSIUM 05: (ESCAP) symposium: 3 case reports (simultaneous translation)
  Chair. Stephan Eliez, Switzerland.
  Collective trauma and therapeutic consultation in children and their families. Jean Philippe Raynaud, France.
  Therapeutic consultation with children with intellectual disability: the alliance with the family; what is the main deciding factor in the developmental prognosis? Stephan Eliez, Switzerland.
  A clinical approach based on non-violent resistance in the hospitalization unit for young adolescents with the child and their family. Veronique Delvenne, Belgium.
ROOM A3 SYMPOSIUM 06: Technical aspects of adolescents’ psychotherapy (Section of Children and Adolescents of FEAP) (Spanish)
  Chair. Agustín Béjar Trancón, Spain.
  Secrets in Adolescence. Working with adolescents and their parents. On intimacy and intromission. Joseph Knobel, Spain.
  The avatars of adolescence in our time, at the pace of new technology. Elisa Peinado, Spain.
  Dangerous liaisons as a manifestation of the conflict of dependence in adolescence. Agustín Béjar Trancón, Spain.
TERRAZA WORKSHOP 09: “Realities” in adolescence and their transformations in psychiatric care (French)
  Chair. Jean-Paul Matot, Belgium.
  Getting through the “bad patch” and deviation into dark places. Antoine Masson, Belgium.
  On “external” reality as an individual psychiatric model. Jean-Paul Matot, Belgium.
  Adolescent realities, symbolisms and psychodrama. Maja Perret-Catipovic, Switzerland.
ROOM B1 WORKSHOP 10. Pickler-Lóczy (Spanish-French, consecutive translation)
  Chair. Xabier Tapia, Spain.
  Ibai and Pygmalion. Juan José Quintela, Spain.
  The Pickler approach at the intersection between neuroscience and psychoanalysis. Bernard Golse, France.
  Current issues in Early Care in the light of the contribution made by the Pikler-Lóczy institute. Xabier Tapia, Spain.
ROOM B3 WORKSHOP 11: Parents and conflictive separation (Italian)
  Chair. Umberto Nizzoli, Italy.
  Focus on the controversy and complex syndrome of “parental alienation”. Simona Taccani, Italy.
  Violence in the family. Mireia Baldassarre, Italy.
  Dyadic adjustment and social perceived support in couples of parents of very preterm children into outpatient follow up pathways. Concetta Polizzi, Gabriela Papadia. Italy.
HALL Lunch Break
ROOM A1 SYMPOSIUM 07: Parents-Child Psychotherapy: contemporary indications (French)
  Chair. Bernard Golse, Bérengère Beauquier , France.
  The technical principles of interactive orientation therapy. Marie Joëlle Hervé, France. Sandra Rusconi, Switzerland.
  Interactive orientation and behavioural disorder. Bérengère Beauquier. France.
  Interactive orientation and maternal trauma. Christine Desvignes, Benoit Quirot, Sarah Seguin, France.
  Bringing up children and co-parenting in a psycho-dynamic therapy setting between parents and children: when the couple breaks up. Tina Metou, Sylvain Missonnier, Elsa Stora, France.
  Applications of interactive orientation with a child suffering autism spectrum disorder. Lisa Ouss, France.
  Mother to child therapy with a baby suffering an acute somatic illness, a window for interactive orientation in the care system. Paola Velasquez, France.
ROOM A3 COURSE 6-SESSION 1: Accessible clinical practices for intervention based on Attachment Theory (Spanish)
  Antonio Galán, Spain.
TERRAZA COURSE 3-SESSION 1: The first interview with the adolescent (French)
  Michel Cailliau, Belgium.
  Isabel Lambotte, France.
ROOM B1 COURSE 5-SESSION 1: Promoting childhood mental health in community units: Experiences to discuss and publicise (Spanish)
  Jorge Tizón, Spain.
ROOM B3 COURSE 4-SESSION 1: The first interview with the baby and the child (Spanish / French)
  Christine Frisch-Desmarez, Luxembourg.
  Sylvain Missonnier, France.
  Pascual Palau, Spain.

PLENARY SESSION 4: Social impacts and psychoanalytical theory (simultaneous translation)

  Chair. Jean-Paul Matot, Belgium.
  Changes in psychoanalytical theory, between Freud and present time. Adela Abella, Switzerland.
  Should Pandora’s box be opened? Didier Houzel, Belgium.
ROOM A3 Closed circuit TV
ROOM A1 SYMPOSIUM 08: Gender identity (simultaneous translation)
  Chair. Bernard Golse, France.
  The trans-gender issue in children and adolescents, between the obvious and precaution. Alain Malchair, Belgium.
  The transidentity of minors: the role of the child psychiatrist in France. Jean Chambry, France.
  The medicalisation of trans-sexuality in children and adolescents. Ethical aspects. Sabel Gabaldón, Spain.
ROOM A3 SYMPOSIUM 09: Migrations and unaccompanied minors (Spanish)
  Chair. Ángeles Pérez Fuster, Switzerland.
  Supporting unaccompanied minors. Alejandro Rojas-Urrego, Switzerland.
  Isolated minors: modern Don Quixotes. Marie-Rose Moro, France.
TERRAZA WORKSHOP 12: Therapeutic approach to acute mental pathology in adolescence (AEPNYA) (Spanish)
  Chair. Arantza Fernández Rivas, Spain.
  Treating trauma in people with psychoses. Maria Mayoral, Spain.
  A multi-disciplinary approach to addictive behaviours in adolescents. Javier Goti, Spain.
  Dialectic-behavioral therapy for the treatment of adolescents with emotional dysregulation. Arantza Fernández Rivas, Spain.
ROOM B1 WORKSHOP 13: Early eating disorders (French)
  Chair. Pascual Palau, Spain.
  Eating disorder and emotional distress in the baby. Emotional stress before and after the disorder?. Pascual Palau, Spain.
  Oralquest: a multi-dimensional assessment tool for eating disorders in small children. Use with children at neurodevelopmental risk. Lisa Ouss, France.
  Therapeutic meals. Dominique Anne Marie Charlier, Belgium. Celiane Martin de la Salle, Belgium.
ROOM B3 WORKSHOP 14: Assaults from children to parents: The phenomenom of the so-called philo-parental violence (Spanish)
  Chair. Elena Tazueco, Spain.
  Assaults from children to parents: The phenomenon of the so-called philo-parental violence. Jorge Tió, Gemma Borraz, Lia Litvan Shaw. Spain.
ROOM A1 Free papers (Spanish)
ROOM A3 AEPEA Assembly
TERRAZA Free papers (Spanish)
ROOM B1 Free papers (Spanish)
ROOM B3 Free papers (English)

ROOM A1 Free papers (English)
ROOM A3 COURSE 6-SESSION 2: Accessible clinical practices for intervention based on Attachment Theory (Spanish)
  Antonio Galán, Spain.
TERRAZA COURSE 3-SESSION 2: The first interview with the adolescent (French)
  Michel Cailliau, Belgium.
  Isabel Lambotte, France.
ROOM B1 COURSE 5-SESSION 2: Promoting childhood mental health in community units: Experiences to discuss and publicise (Spanish)
  Jorge Tizón, Spain.
ROOM B3 COURSE 4-SESSION 2: The first interview with the baby and the child (Spanish / French)
  Christine Frisch-Desmarez, Luxembourg.
  Sylvain Missonnier, France.
  Pascual Palau, Spain.
ROOM A1 PLENARY SESSION 5: Adolescence (simultaneous translation)
  Chair. Hélène Lazaratou, Greece.
  An introduction to AMBIT (Adaptive Mentalization-Based Integrative Treatment). Dickon Bevington, Great Britain.
  Psychoanalytic psychotherapy with borderline patients in adolescence: in search of lost sense. Maurice Corcos, France.
ROOM A3 Closed circuit TV
HALL Coffee Break
ROOM A1 SYMPOSIUM 10: New technologies and their impact on the mental health of children and adolescents (simultaneous translation)
  Chair. Olivier Bonnot, France.
  Passado: a space of exchanges on internet to accompany the teenager on his journey. Raphaëlle de Menten, Belgium.
  The manipulation of experience in the digital natives. Federico Tonioni, Italy.
  Examples and general consideration regarding digital transformation in child and adolescent psychiatry. Olivier Bonnot, France.
ROOM A3 SYMPOSIUM 11: Attachment and psychoanalysis (French and English)
  Chair. Margarita Ibáñez, Spain.
  The impact of parents’ attachment and early adverse experiences in child abuse and maltreatment: Attachment-informed assessment and treatment implications. Anna Maria Speranza, Italy.
  For a psychoanalytical theory of attachment. Didier Robin, Belgium.
  Taking into consideration the attachment and interactive system in parent-child psychotherapies in psychopathology 0-5 years. Margarita Ibáñez, Spain.
TERRAZA WORKSHOP 15: Domestic and international adoption: a journey through transculturality and attachment (Spanish)
  Chair. Teresa Sandoval, Spain.
  Taking in and loving: the children of international adoption. Marie-Rose Moro, France.
ROOM B1 WORKSHOP 16: AMBIT in practice (English-Spanish, consecutive translation)
  Chair. Mark Dangerfield, Spain.
  Practical exercices from te AMBIT Training. Dickon Bevington, Great Britain. Mark Dangerfield, Spain.
  Lessons from an implementation in Barcelona. Mark Dangerfield, Spain.
ROOM B3 WORKSHOP 17: Care of children with serious behavior problems: experience with outpatients
  Chair. Augusto Carreira, Portugal.
  Care of children with serious behavior problems: experience with outpatients. Augusto
  Carreira Arlete Correia, Luisa Costa, Susana Pereira, Ricardo Rodrigues. Portugal.
  From vinculation to mentalization: a teoric approach. Augusto Carreira, Portugal.
  With children: from body to thought. Multidisciplinary intervention. Ricardo Rodrigues, Portugal.
  Supported Families: Parent Groups. Arlete Correia, Portugal.
ROOM A1 Closing Lecture (simultaneous translation)
  Chair. Jaume Baró, Spain.
  Ethical aspects in the mother-child relationship. Begoña Román, Spain.
ROOM A3 Closed circuit TV