Pr de psychologie clinique de la périnatalité
Psychologue clinicien – Psychanalyste SP                        
Directeur du laboratoire PCPP (EA 4056)

•    Professor of Clinical Psychology of perinatality Paris Descartes – Sorbonne Paris Cité.
•    Director of the laboratory PCPP (EA 4056).
•    Psychoanalyst (Institute of Psychoanalysis, SPP).
•    Director of the Collection « La vie de l’enfant » Erès Editor.
•    Founding member of the monthly Journal Le Carnet/PSY
•    Founder of four networks : RAP, SIIRPPP, SIICLHA, IVSO.

Research topics :

- The psychoanalytic psycho(patho)logy of parenthood ;
- The psychoanalytic psycho(patho)logy of the bio-psychic development of the fetus, infant and child in his family ;
- The psychoanalytic psychosomatic of infant ;
- The evaluation of the processes at work in perinatal psychoanalytic consultations ;
- Psychoanalysis of anticipation in perinatal medicine associated with ethical issues ;
- The psychoanalytic psycho(patho)logy of daily virtual (human relationships mediated by contemporary information and communication technologies).