1979 obtained the DEUG (Diplome d’ Etudes Universitaires Generales) and one year later the Licence in Psychology and the University Certificate in Psychophysiology from the Lyon 1 “Claude Bernard” University.
1980-81 Obtained Maitrise of Clinical Psychology. Subject of thesis: “Identify of Greek immigrant’s children”
1981-82 Obtained D.E.S.S.(Diplome d’ Etudes Superieures Specialisees), with a six-month practice at the “Saint Jean de Dieu” psychiatric hospital in Lyon and a six-month practice at a school for mentally retarded children at the “Medico Pedogogique J. Faure”. Institute in Lyon.
1982-83 Three year specialization in “Family Therapy” with Professor Louis Vasquez of the Lyon 2 University.
1983-84 Obtained University Certificate in Medical Psychology from the Lyon 1 “Claude Bernard” University with a one-year participation in a Balling group.
1984-85 Obtained Licence of Education Specialize from the Lyon II University.